Helping Individuals, Teams, and Organizations 

Get Better Everyday


Optimize your performance and reach new levels of achievement

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Our Mission

Momentum Performance Consulting (MPC), LLC was founded on the belief that we were not put on this earth to be mediocre and go through the motions. We were put on this Earth to be GREAT. To do GREAT things. We help individuals and organizations to find the greatness that already exists within them and empower them with the tools to reach their highest potential.

The mission of Momentum Performance Consulting is to provide world-class leadership and mental skills training to athletes, teams (business & sport), and individuals looking to get to the next level of success, however they define it. Trained in the psychology of performance and flow science, we commit to empowering our clients with the tools, training, and knowledge they need to perform optimally. We will do this through the use of strategies and interventions that are built on a foundation of evidence-based scientific research that has been shown to consistently improve measurable client outcomes.  We recognize that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to consultation and training and commit to providing unique programs specific to the needs of our clients.


We are consultants with advanced degrees in sport & performance psychology and experience in both competitive sport and the corporate world.

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We utilize evidence-based performance psychology strategies and mental skills training to help our clients reach optimal levels of performance.

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We work with individual athletes, executives, teams, and organizations to improve their performance and reach new levels of achievement.

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Our commitments to our clients:

Empowering our clients

We commit to empowering our clients with the tools, training, and knowledge they need in order to perform their best.

Individualized programs

There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to mental skills training. We commit to providing unique programs specific to the needs of the individual or team.


We commit to not wasting your time and resources on strategies that are not based on strong evidence-based scientific research.

Measurable outcomes

We utilize mental skills strategies that have consistently shown to provide measurable client results.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."


Let's Take That Step Together

Wondering what mental skills training is and how it can help you?

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What My Tennis Match Taught Me About the Power of Commitment

Jul 22, 2024